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Decolonising Peace Education in Africa

Decolonising Education for Peace in Africa

Home > Methodologies



The primary methodology for this project was storytelling. This was done in different formats with participants being asked to tell stories using a way that is appropriate to them. The project encouraged the mediums of sound and image.

Sound: This involved the production of soundscapes and musicscapes. Participants were asked to record sounds in their communities and then narrate the story of these sounds. Participants could also record music to represent these soundscapes, again, narrating the meanings of the scape.

Image: Participants were asked to produce a visual art piece to demonstrate the conflict that they have been involved in or witnessed and then narrate the story of this conflict. For both data collection processes, a workshop was held to empower participants in these arts processes. The workshop’s facilitators, trained by the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre (JHGC) and the Centro de Estudios de Paz Conflito e Bem Estar (CEPCB), will be identified as community leaders and teachers living in the identified communities.