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Decolonising Peace Education in Africa

Decolonising Education for Peace in Africa

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Project Highlights

Some of the highlights from the DEPA project was a measurable gain in participants’ active engagement with the programme and a measurable gain in their development of their own stories–’voice’. We successfully saw the participants taking responsibility for the leadership of the workshops and saw them develop their own plans for active engagement in community issues after the completion of the programme. This provided a format that can be rolled-out in other Change-Makers Programme workshops in other countries.

Some of the lessons from the programme included introducing a generation of new insights into the opportunities and challenges of deploying arts-based methodologies in post-conflict contexts, and the generation of case-study evidence to support these insights. A successful research programme depended on dissemination through the PRAXIS network and the engagement, through facilitated discussions, of Arts and Humanities academics working on similar project.