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Decolonising Peace Education in Africa

Decolonising Education for Peace in Africa

Home > Preliminary Findings

Preliminary Findings

Preliminary Findings

The DEPA project found that much indigenous knowledge and practices, akin to peace and peace education exist within traditional practice and cultures but have remained untapped and are presently dwindling

It was also discovered that the bottom-up approach to peace education resonates better with community people, especially those in local communities that are far removed from the provincial headquarter towns.

The DEPA project additionally found that the cultures of the indigenous people of Sierra Leone are a uniting force and the best vehicle to use/employ in reaching out with messages of peace

It was discovered that Salone DEPA has the potential to contribute significantly to and enhance peace education across cultures and ethnic groups reducing tensions nationally.

Similarly, it was found that Salone DEPA has the potential to revive storytelling, theatre, dance, videography, visual arts and hence empower the younger generation not only to promote peace, report incidences of injustice and actions that may threaten the fragility of peace, but to thereby take control of their future and that of their own country, whilst feeding into the development of peace education across Africa through the wider DEPA project.